Wednesday, December 11, 2019

We have been busy wrapping up our big projects!

In our Words:
- Ms. Brandley was relaxed with our project deadline today because we did what we were supposed to be doing (RS and VS)
- We were finishing our stories - we are writing endings (SF)
- We are (majority of us) are making posters for our projects (MH)
- Last Talent Show auditions were today (AV)
- We missed read aloud (because we were soooo busy in the iLab - working hard!) (LJ)
- Next Thursday is the last day of school before holidays (PS)
- This Friday is our big presentations! (EM)
-We practiced for our presentations with the other classes - for space in the gym (TB)
- We had our celebration of learning meeting (BO)

A note from Mrs. Hebenton:
Just a reminder that if you were going to purchase a recorder, the last day to order will be Dec. 20.  
At the bottom of the ‘pay page’ on your CBE/PowerSchool account there should be an optional fee that is for recorders. This fee is not with the rest of the regular fees because it is optional and not mandatory.  Hope this info helps. Please email me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

We have been working INCREDIBLY HARD on our inventions to prepare them and our presentations for Friday. We can't wait for the Celebration of Learning. Hope to see many of you there!

In our words:
- We made Lego ornaments (ZM) and hung them on the school tree!
- We were working on our inventions in the iLab (SF)
- We were wrapping up our stories - writing endings! (PS)

- Celebration of Learning on Friday, December 13th - 11-12pm
- Next week is our last week before the break!
- Forms for Glenbow Museum will be sent home shortly (for December 18th). Thank you to all that have volunteered!

Monday, December 2, 2019

We have begun collecting materials for our Inventions! We are hoping to find a few things that we didn't have in the iLab today. If you have any of these materials kicking around the house, please feel free to send them to school with your child.

Thank you!

Materials Wishlist
-Boxes - small, medium, big boxes
-Cereal boxes
-Decorative tape
-Empty tape rolls
-Paper towel rolls
Suction cups
-Metal springs
-Rubber bands (thick ones)
-Take out metal pans
-Bricks - something heavy

Friday, November 29, 2019

Busy Week!

We've had a busy week of plans and feedback. Our story mountains (plans) are done and we have been given some feedback from other students in the class. We hope to take this feedback to continue improving our ideas. We will begin writing next week!
We have met again with our RT Alderman leaders (Grade 9s) to also get feedback on our Invention Concept Designs. Each student has 2 concepts from which they will select one to create a model next week. These will be shared and presented at our Celebration of Learning on December 13th!

In our words:
- We had FYP today (PS). This was the last Follow Your Passion Friday until the new year. Ask me about my FYP experience today!
- We did the designing of our simple machines (LJ)
- We stayed inside for recess and watched Bill Nye the Science Guy - Simple Machines (AV)
- Our RT leaders gave us feedback yesterday (ZG)

- Our Story Mountains (plans) with peer feedback sheet have been sent home. It would be very helpful to talk this story plan through with your child this weekend so that they can make any desired changes to their plans on Monday.
- Grade 4 Celebration of Learning - December 18th, 11am-12. Hope to see you there! Invites will be sent our shortly.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Today we have really been digging in to our two big projects - our stories and our inventions.

We reviewed our story writing rubric today - we will use this as a tool to self assess, provide peer feedback, and will be the final teacher assessment of our completed stories. We are currently working on our plans, using a "Story Mountain" (a plan with a rising and falling action). Tomorrow morning we will meet in groups to get peer feedback on our plans so far. We will talk about how to give and receive feedback well.

Today, we experienced the "Ideation" phase of Design Thinking. In small groups, we silently brainstormed possible solutions to each other's problems and then even opened it up to others in the class. If you would like to throw around some ideas at home, here are Room 3's chosen problems to solve (Criteria for a good solution is: 1. It can be built using a simple machine; 2. Solves the problem; 3. I like the solution!)

Room 3 Problems:
  • Kitten shirt (when a kitten snags on your shirt)
  • Stirring
  • Worms in strawberries
  • Picking up fat cat
  • Dropping drum-sticks
  • Pencil shavings (so messy)
  • Picking up fat cat
  • Walking the dog - dog’s pulling
  • Cutting vegetables and fruit
  • Going up a sled hill
  • Picky eating pets
  • Electronic obsessions
  • Cat’s shedding
  • Moving snow
  • Waking up
  • Cooking
In our Words:
  • We were working on our stories (SF)
  • We wrote problems and made sticky notes around them (ZG)
  • We played hangman today ("Necessity is the Mother of invention") (PS)
  • Today we continued the Land of Stories (EM)
  • We learned a new song in music - The Cat Came Back (MH)

- December 13th - Grade 4 Celebration of Learning (11am-12pm). More details to come!
- December 18th - Glenbow Museum - Volunteers needed (full day) - email with details to come
- December 19th - Choir performance

Monday, November 25, 2019

We are learning:
Today's theme seems to have been making choices. Choices for upcoming projects such as a photo inspiration for writing stories and choosing 'every day problems' as we move forward in the Design Thinking process towards our simple machines inventions.

In math, we are focusing on representing and describing numbers to 10 000. We will be looking at using pictures, words, and symbols.

In our words:
- We are learning how many ways we can represent a number (4 526) (SF)
- We got to choose our "Pobble 365" photos for our story (RS)
- We answered some questions to 'Empathize" with our every day problems (EM)
- In writing, we've ;been talking about making a story using a Story Mountain (PS)
- We watched a video for the story mountain (BO)

- Book orders due this week
- The Christmas book order wasn't in the last package, my mistake. I will send that one home tomorrow.
- Celebration of Learning (Gr 4) - December 13th, 11-12. More information to be sent home soon.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

We are learning:
- We were doing our stations about gears again today. We are learning how gears work (SF). Such as...if one gear spins one way, the other one spins the other way (VS). Also, if you have a bigger gear with more teeth it goes slower than the smaller gear with less teeth (LJ).
- I learned that a big gears inside goes as fast as a smaller gear's inside (the axle) (TB)
- that gears are fun to play with (ZM)
- some gears, the starting gear spins one way, the other one that's attached to it spins the other (GB)
- how to use Design Thinking in the iLab by designing a roller coaster

- Decide on your 'every day problem' that you will design your invention for. This MUST be finalized by Monday. Feel free to do research, ask your family questions, etc. to help you decide. Below is a list of problems that were brainstormed at school. 

- Cookie dough forms were due today - you can try bringing them tomorrow!
- Book orders for December were sent home today. They are due next Friday.
- Early dismissal tomorrow, and no school on Friday. 
- Student Learning Conversations (Parent-Teacher Conferences) are tomorrow evening and Friday. There are a few spots left on Friday if you haven't yet booked. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Grade 4 students have been investigating Simple Machines. We been testing, building, and reflecting on how simple machines such as levers, gears, and wheels/axles can reduce the amount of work needed to move a load.

We also got to meet some grade 9 leaders from RT Alderman! In our small groups, our RT leaders helped us to dive deep into the "Empathy" stage of Design Thinking. We are working very hard to gain a deep understanding of our 'Everyday Problems" so that we can design effective and useful inventions to solve them. The conversations were focused, meaningful, and insightful. The students also really enjoyed working together! We look forward to continuing to work with our RT leaders periodically throughout our invention projects. 

- Student learning conversations Thursday PM and Friday. Please be sure to book online. 
- No school Thursday afternoon or Friday
- Book orders are due!
- Tomorrow is the last day to submit cookie fundraiser orders

Friday, November 15, 2019

The grade 4's have been busy this week! Starting with our field study at Telus Spark on Tuesday where we kicked off our study of Simple Machines, a bike expert presentation on Wednesday where we learned all about gear chains, to our exploration of levers and wheels/axles in the classroom.

We are ramping up to a fun and exciting Design Thinking project which we will present to families at the grade 4 celebration of learning in December (more info to come!)

Check out some highlights from the week!

- Student Learning Conversations are next week (Thursday and Friday)
- Book orders are due Monday (online orders preferred)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Learning Highlights
- We had our Remembrance Day Assembly today (MH)
- We had our first FYP Friday (AF)
- We played two math card games (JL)
- We finished our wreath (ZM)
- We read from 'The Land of Stories (SF)

-No school on Monday
-Telus Spark on Tuesday

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What we've been learning:
- pumpkin pulleys - something too heavy for you to lift, a pulley would make it easier (MH)
- there was a man who wrote a poem "In Flanders Fields" and then there was a bear named Winnie the Pooh (PS). We have been learning about the history and importance of Remembrance Day.
- we learned that some countries have a different poppy (SF)
- we've been playing a making ten game (PS). We have been revisiting place value and exchanging/borrowing from tens.

- Telus Spark forms are due.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

- We worked on our presentations for our plant life cycle (AM)
- We looked at the bread and made some observations (ER)
- We learned about the bread that even the bread touched by washed hands still got mouldy (TB)
- We did some spooky writing (spooky verb stories) (SF)

Monday, October 28, 2019

What we learned:
- We learned about adding juicy words to our writing (PS)
- We continued our work on our plant research (SF)
- We had a special guest! Ask me! (AM)
- We did math and we were sorting 3 digit numbers and higher (PS)

- Cookie dough orders were sent home

Thursday, October 24, 2019

We have been busy working on our Alberta native plant research. Next week, we'll be creating our artistic renderings of their life cycles! Stay tuned for some exciting updates.

- Math Assessment tomorrow on patterns and number relationships

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

OH Ranch tomorrow! Dress for the weather and be prepared for muddy ground. We recommend layers, hats, scarves, and gloves for wind protection. It is colder at the site than in the city and we will be outdoors for a large portion of the day.

Looking forward to an incredible day!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

- The Rogue Naturalist was here, Sarah Smith (BO)
- We went through stations to learn about plants (SF)
- We learned all about the plants in our natural area at school (SB)
- We learned that Oak trees are really hard to grow in Calgary (RJ)
- We dissected a lily and learned about the parts (SB)
- We did the Fibonacci Spirals (EM)
- We watched two videos about Fibonacci Spirals (GB)

- Book orders are due Monday. Online only, please no cheques or cash
- OH Ranch forms are due

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

- We checked on our plants (BO). Our plant experiments - darkness, freeze, love, heat (IP)
- Today, we compared plants to other plants with different variables that were very different (AM)
- Ms. Brandley left us on a cliffhanger in our book! (MH)
- We worked on the problem :How many equations can you make using 12 counters?" (HW)
- We worked on balanced equations (ZG)
- We chose what plants we were going to research (LJ)
- Today, in music we did a cup pattern to the Adam's family theme song (ER)

- OH forms are due this week
- We are still open to having a volunteer to support with our guest speaker tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

- In music, we had a little bit of drama today (PS)
- We had a substitute teacher for music (SF)
- We sorted our questions from Fish Creek Park (AF)
- We sorted the questions and read more The Land of Stories. We've been talking about Rapunzel (AM)
- In gym, we played the Centipede game (BO)

- Field study forms due this week.
- A letter from Mr. Emery was sent home today
- Ask me about my Alberta plant research project and my choice of native plant to learn about.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

- In gym we learned the chest pass for basketball (MH)
- We did a math assessment (SF)
- Our plant experiment plants got tipped over again :( (ER)
- Many of the plants are growing! We will do a detailed observation of the growth from the different conditions tomorrow.

- Photos that were ordered were sent home today.

Monday, October 7, 2019

- We observed our growing alfalfa plants! (HW)
- We drew a sketch of a giant sunflower (SF)
- We are reading the Land of Stories (PS)
- Today we started Writer's Workshop (ER)
- We did our sunflower investigation which involved writing, measuring, and estimating (EM)
- Some of our alfalfa sprouts got dropped on the floor :(
- We played camouflage outside (BO)

- No school Friday

Thursday, October 3, 2019

- We shared with our class our Hull's Wood questions (RS)
- We found a huge sunflower in our classroom! (LJ) (someone left it for us...)
- We have been planning an experiment to look at different conditions for plants.
 - Today was day 2 of our Plant Experiment (VS). Some of the variables are: no CO2, no light, love, no water, heat, cold, no fertilizer, no space, no dirt, no water, classroom light. So far, none have sprouted. We will watch every day to see if there is a difference between them.
- We are also doing another experiment where we touched a piece of bread with our 'unwashed' hands, and then Ms. Brandley touched a piece with her cleanly washed hands, and one not touched at all. We're watching to see if there is a difference between how they rot (RJ)
- Today we did some new math (PS)

- Ms. Brandley will be at First Aid Training tomorrow. There will be a substitute teacher.
- Those that ordered from Scholastic for September, books arrived and were sent home today.

Monday, September 30, 2019

- Today was Orange Shirt Day. We had a discussion about residential schools.

- Fish Creek Park tomorrow! (Hull's Wood). Dress for the weather (waterproof layers are recommended). Many students had wet feet today - if this was you...try bringing plastic bags to put inside your shoes to keep your feet dry.
- Thank you to Mickey, Jason, Jennifer, and Lindsay for volunteering!

Friday, September 27, 2019

- We did our Journal Covers (VS)
- Today we had our Terry Fox Run. (EM)
- We played Dodgeball in gym this week (SF)
- Today we did the Terry Fox Assembly. We raised about $1000 from Maple Ridge! (AM)
- We have been working on Plant Experiments. We're going to take away or give plant needs (variables) (IP)

- Field Study forms (Hull's Wood) due Monday!
- Photo orders due today ( Can be done online)

Monday, September 23, 2019

- We went to the Community Garden today in Maple Ridge (SF)
- We talked about what plants need after (SF)
- Today we saw watermelon and a bunch of carrots (HW), some tomatoes (MH)
- We did another Math Talk about how many dots there were (SF)
- Ms. Brandley left us off at a cliffhanger in our book. (RJ)
- Today in class we did rewrote boring sentences (IP)
- We played our first Dodgeball today (SF)

- Terry Fox Run is this Friday. We will discuss more, and are working on a plan for inclement weather.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

- We started learning about all of the parts of a flower (VS)
- We dissected a plant (AM)
- We had a plant talk outside (EM)
- We learned about captions (AV)
- We had our first Math Talk (SF)

- Parent-teacher conversations are Thursday evening and Friday morning. Early dismissal tomorrow (12:30pm) and no school Friday.
- Book orders have been extended to Thursday.

Monday, September 16, 2019

- Today we were reading our "Land of Stories" book again (PS)
- We were sketching outside today (HW)
- Our first iLab book exchange will be tomorrow (LJ)
- We did 2 math patterns (SF) growing patterns (HW)
- We looked at maps of North America, Canada, and the World (AM)

- Book orders due Wednesday

Friday, September 13, 2019

- We went outside and talked about plants (HW)
- We started our Visual Journal covers (AM)
- We talked about the iLab today and learned some new rules (MH)
- We played math games (Samuel)
- We explored outside and found a slug, a centipede and a worm (ZG)
- Yesterday we sketched outside (Ms. Brandley)

- Book orders sent home - due Wednesday. Please pay online preferably, or sent the paper order with a cheque. No cash, please.
- Conferences are next Thursday evening and Friday morning. The booking system is open.
- Walking letter sent home yesterday that lists the sites we may (potentially) walk to this year.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


  • We sketched - we did a Blind Contour, a Contour, and a 5s, 10s, and 15 s sketch (MH and EM)
  • We did Math growing patterns with chips (SF)
  • Yesterday we started Ellie's Log to learn about journalling (BO)

  • Parent Teacher conferences next week

Friday, September 6, 2019

- We had our first assembly (SF)
- Today, in class we finished our name tags for our coat hooks (IP)
- We sketched outside (MH)
- We also released our ladybugs (AV)
- We started a book - The Land of Stories - (HW)

- Picture day is next Monday.
- Return envelopes if not done already.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

- We went for a hunt for ladybugs (ZG)
- We had gym and we played "Clean your Room" (PS)
- Today when ladynbug collecting - we saw a couple of grasshoppers (BO)


- Tonight from 5-7 PM is the Ice Cream Social (Meet the Teacher). Hope to see many of you there!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Welcome to our Grade 4, Room 3 Blog!

Here we will share learning highlights and important notifications.

- We saw lots of ladybugs and we were trying to catch them! (SF)
- At school today, we were debating about having assigned spots or free spots to sit (RJ)
- We started to sort our Loose Parts cart. (We will be sending home a list of items we'd like to collect more of) (AV)
- Today we had our first day of music in this class (LJ)
- We also did our first day of gym (ZM)
- We played some tag games, including toilet tag outside (EM, MH)
- We made bookmarks today (TB)
- We talked about saving the turtles and metal straws (no plastic) (VS)
- We got to start a new interesting book today! (ER)
- We read a book called "The Dot" today (IP)

- An envelope went home yesterday with some important forms. Please complete and return as soon as possible.
- Ice Cream Social (meet the teacher) on Thursday evening.

Final Week!

Hello grade 4s and families. We are headed into our final week of the school year. We have some fun celebrations ahead! I have added a co...