Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hello grade 4 families, 

I hope this message finds you all safe and well. It has been great connecting with you and I look forward to 'seeing' students soon via virtual meetings.  More information to come on this in the next few days. 

Our grade 4 teaching team has been so much looking forward to getting started with our at-home learning plans. Below is the plan for the remainder of this week (March 31st-April 3rd). A plan for next week (April 6th-9th) will be shared with you on Friday. The format will likely look similar, and we will layer in some cross-curricular learning (i.e. science, social studies) in weeks to come. 
At this time, it is expected that students will be using Google Drive to share their completed assignments. They should each have folders for "Grade 4" with subject sub-folders (i.e. "Math" "Language Arts") that are already shared with their teacher. We are working towards also utilizing Google Classroom, and will have more information on that soon. Should your child have any difficulty accessing the needed technology, or logging into their account, please notify me right away so that we can get it sorted out.  

In addition to the tasks provided each week, we recommend that students read for at least 30 minutes per day independently, with someone in your household, or via video chat with a friend or relative. This could be done in multiple sittings throughout the day. 

This week will be a bit of a 'trial run' - so please, have patience with your child, with us, and grade 4's – have patience with yourselves and your parents too! We will all be exploring this new way of learning together.  The goal is to provide approximately 5 hours per week (about 1 hour per day) of math and literacy focused tasks. We will have a chance next week to connect and reflect on how things are going, and possibly make some adjustments.  

Enjoy and 'see' you all soon!! 

Take care, 
Mrs. Giffen, Mrs. Bowers, and Ms. Brandley 

Learning Plan – March 31-April 3  

Personal Challenges (each week students set a personal goal) 
At the beginning of each week, please have a conversation with your child about setting an attainable goal for the week. On top of setting the goal, please have a conversation about how you and your child will know if the goal has been achieved. During some weeks, the goal may have a specific direction while other weeks the goal may be student driven.  
This week’s focus is gratitude. Define the meaning of the word ‘gratitude’ and brainstorm ideas on how one can show gratitude during these difficult times.  
One possibility is the red and pink hearts in the windows to show gratitude to the health care workers. While workers are heading out, they will hopefully see the hearts in windows and doors. This small gesture will let them know we are thinking of them and very thankful for their current actions.  

Math Focus 
I can use mental math strategies to solve multiplication and division facts up to 9x9 
For each of the tasks below, you can draw your solution on paper using a dark marker or colour and then take a photo of your work. This photo can then be uploaded to your Google Drive "Math" folder to share with your teacher. 

Day 1 – Write 3 equations involving multiplication that are true and 3 equations that are not true.  Build or draw a picture to prove that each one is true or not true.   
  1. Draw picture on paper (try to use a marker or other dark colour) and take a photo of your work.  Share it with your teacher through google drive. Be sure your equation is visible with your picture. 
  2. Build your pictures first using objects that are the same shape/size (ie. Beads, cheerios, dried beans, dried pasta, lego pieces, playing cards etc.), take a picture and share it.  Be sure your equation is visible with your picture. 
  3. Email your teacher and write about what you drew/built at home, explaining your evidence for each of your equations.  This can be done in point form or full sentences. 

Day 2 – Multiplication problem: Record your solution using pictures, numbers, and words and share a photo of your work in your "Math" folder in Google Drive. 

You are making pizzas for your family. You need 24 pieces of pizza to feed everyone. How many pizzas could you make and how many pieces per pizza?  
Find as many solutions you can using whole pieces and whole pizzas.  
Hint: There is more than one possible combination of pizzas and pieces.  

Additional Challenge (optional): If you add 3 slices of pepperoni to each piece of pizza, how many slices of pepperoni will you need for each scenario? Show your work using pictures, numbers, and words. 

Day 3 – Division problems.  Using materials at home or by drawing a picture, solve each problem and write the division equation that matches it.  Share your work with your teacher through Google Docs.  
Question 1: You have 28 beads. Each necklace uses 7 beads. How many necklaces can you make?  
Question 2: You have 54 beads to make 9 necklaces. If each necklace has the same number of beads, how many beads are on each necklace?  
*Look around your house for various manipulatives you could use to solve these problems. Be creative! You will be surprised about what you can use for manipulatives that just so happen to be lying around the house.  

Writing Focus 

Day 1/Day 2- Choose one of the following to write about (as a journal entry, paragraph or letter to the teacher).  Hint:  Choose the one that you have the most ideas to write about.  Please do not write this as a list.  Explain what it is.  Where do you do this activity?  Is it alone or with someone?  What do you like best about it?  Are there any challenges  you're encountering with it?  How does it make you feel when you are engaged in this activity? 
What are you currently (over the past week): 
  • Reading? 
  • Watching? 
  • Listening to? 
  • Playing? 
  • Making at home? 

Day 3-Each Friday students will be asked to write a letter to their teacher about their past week of learning. Students can select how they would like to make their learning visible (ie. Google Docs, video, slide show) depending on the events that took place that past week. During some weeks, students will be asked to respond to specific questions while other weeks will be more open ended.  
*what have you learned about yourself this past week?  
*what have you wondered about? 
*how did you explore this week? 
*what questions do you have for myself? 
Please share your work with your teacher through Google Docs in your "Language Arts" folder. We recommend naming the document with the date it was submitted.  

Additional Resources  
Thank you to those who have sent additional learning resources. It is very much appreciated at this time and we hope to continue building a resource bank. Please see the list below to further support your learning and that of your child. 
Mo Willems Lunch Time Doodle Sessions 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Hello grade 4 families,  

Thank you for your patience as we work through some necessary planning in preparation for resuming structured learning opportunities for your child. I understand there has been a lot of uncertainty about what learning is going to look like moving forward. I can assure you that we are going to work on key learning outcomes at-home within the parameters established by the province and CBE. 

To help me understand your family’s access to technology, can you please provide responses to the following three questions: 

  • Does your child have access to a computer, laptop, iPad/tablet, smart phone?  
  • Does your child have access to the Internet?  
  • Is your only option a paper-based education for your child? 
While the lessons I will be providing are aimed to minimize technology, there will still be times where we will need to rely on technology as a resource. It is important that your child knows their CBE ID#, email and password. The CBE ID# can be found on their digital report card through PowerSchool. When you check in and reply to this email, I will send you your child’s email and password. 
Starting Friday April 3, you will receive from me a weekly learning plan for the upcoming week. Each week’s plan will highlight what we are working on, various resources and an explanation of your child’s activities or tasks. 
I will have Grade 4 learning plan, for this week, communicated to families via email and blog by the end of the day on Tuesday March 31. In the meantime, your child can practice their multiplication and division facts (single digit), through the games sent home prior to the break. They can also read for 30 minutes a day (at least) and write a journal. Keeping a regular personal journal is great for practicing writing skills and for wellness. 
I will primarily be communicating with you and your child via email with all learning plans also posted to the blog. As time moves on, I also intend to use Google classroom and if necessary, will replicate lessons into a paper format. 
Students and/or parents can reach out to me for help or for clarification via e-mail at sgbrandley@cbe.ab.ca. If you have questions during the weekday, I expect to be able to answer most questions that same day. If specific support is needed, I can also be available to call you at a scheduled time that is convenient for you. 
I recognize this is new for most of us and we will get through this together. I am here for your child and look forward to being in regular contact with your child and yourself. 

Take care, 
Ms. Brandley 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Learning Ideas

An email will be coming to you tomorrow with some updates, wellness resources, and information for speaking to kids about Covid-19. 

I have also included some additional suggestions for students to continue the learning that we had been focusing on at school, including (all completely optional):  
  • Getting outside and noticing seasonal changes/adaptations in plants 
  • Keeping a sketchbook / journal 
  • Planting some seeds for a garden (Grow Calgary is offering free seed kits!) 
  • Observe how waste is managed in your home – are there actions you could take to improve it, based on what you have learned? https://www.calgary.ca/UEP/WRS/Documents/WRS-Documents/Cart-Guides/Using_Your_Cart_Guide_2019.pdf  
  • Teach your families some of the math card games we have played (spiral multiplication, multiplication war, headbanz, close call), or create your own! 
  • Writing stories from Pobble 365 photos – be sure to have a rising action and use lots of descriptive words.  
  • Reading, reading, and more reading! You may even want to share your favourite parts with your families, draw settings or characters, or write your own endings. 
  • Emailing me interesting scientific observations or questions, to tell me about a great book you’ve read, or to share a story you’ve written ðŸ˜Š  

A reminder that next week is spring break. I hope you can enjoy some rest and family time (and dare we hope for nice weather?!?). I will be in touch after the break with more information on next steps.

Take care!
Ms Brandley

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

An Update from Ms. Brandley

Hello Room 3 families!

I hope that you are doing well and staying healthy. Grade 4s - I sure am missing all of your smiling faces! Know that I am thinking of you. Mrs. Michiels also sends her best.

I realize that this is a stressful time for many, but please know that everyone at Maple Ridge School is working hard to prepare for our next steps.

I hope that many of you were/are able to pick up your personal belongings this week. If you have been unable to for any reason, or have items that were not made available to you - rest assured there will be additional chances after spring break.

I have provided a link below that provides some ideas for at home learning that you may find beneficial.


Please continue to check the CBE homepage for the latest updates.

Take care,
Ms. Brandley

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

City Walk / Central Library visit

We had a great day of learning downtown today! We spent the morning at the Central Library - learning about Calgary's story and the artifacts there that contribute to the telling of it. We explored items in the library that contribute to Indigenous Placemaking within the space. This will be a topic that we will continue to learn about in social studies in coming months.

After a fun morning at the library, we headed to East Village to investigate the relationship between natural and man-made systems, and to see what evidence of waste we could find. We surprisingly didn't find as much waste as expected - which was impressive! There were a few unexpected items, however, like a shoe, shopping cart, and lots of animal waste (dog, duck, goose). We have made some comparisons to the same investigation that we had done in Fish Creek Park and have talked about how these places have different purposes and balance of man-made/nature.

Thank you to all of the volunteers that joined us today! The ability to explore in small groups made the day so much more valuable.

- Seeking volunteers for Aggie Days on April 1st. Small groups will help make the day successful and safe.
- Please email me if you are able to join us on any of the upcoming trips I had sent out by email last week.
- Student Learning Conversations (conferences) are to be held next week - Thursday and Friday. Please sign up for a 15 block online. We will run these as sit down meetings, incorporating some goal sharing with your child. We encourage you to come together and will have a portfolio of student work put out in the hallway for students to share with their families, before or after your scheduled meeting time.

Friday, March 6

In our words:
- We searched through some other classes garbage and recycling. I noticed some food in the recycling bins (BO)
- This past 2 or 3 days we've been building LEGO - we were building what we think is a Recycling Facility (EM)
- My group found 5 good Oreos in the recycling! and a full thing of pudding (AM)
- The grade 1s had their Celebration of Learning today. It was about chain reactions (LJ)
- My group found a whole sandwich in the recycling bin (ZG)
- We found that people in the school were very wasteful of food (MH)
- My group found 300+ white pieces of paper with like one line in it (TB)
- We had a substitute on Wednesday (WW)
- We had our artist in residence and we brought in palm sized objects to practice our skills (SF)
- We made math art - times table skylines (HW)

Final Week!

Hello grade 4s and families. We are headed into our final week of the school year. We have some fun celebrations ahead! I have added a co...